We will help you determine a general estimate of the fair market value of your business. This process also includes understanding Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) that effect valuation.
Prior to selling, we will work with you to determine optimal exit timing, assemble a team of advisors, evaluate exit options, coordinate tax planning, develop a personal financial, and discuss wealth transfer and estate planning strategies.
After you have successfully sold your business, we will work with you to prepare the family and develop a customized investment strategy to replace your business income. Ultimately, we will be there for you to overcome the challenges of life after exit.
Mark Kravietz has earned his designation as a Certified Exit Planning Advisor (CEPA®) from the University of Chicago’s Booth Business School. He is a founding member and President of the New York Chapter of the Exit Planning Institute (EPI). He has counseled many clients through the succession planning and execution processes of their businesses.
Your needs and objective are at the foundation of our strategy. We offer comprehensive, objective, competent and planning-based solutions that help business owners maximize opportunities, preserve their values and prepare for the future they envision. We assess the external and personal factors that impact your business’s liquidity strategy, including economic outlooks, IPO and M&A cycles, as well as family and legacy goals. We work collaboratively with your other advisors to bring you a holistic view of your entire financial life.
Schedule a Valuation
“EXIT SMART Vol. 2: Spotlights on Leading Exit Planning Advisors” is an interview-style compilation of conversations with the nation’s leading Exit Planning Advisors, including Managing Partner and Founder of ALINE Wealth, Mark Kravietz. Meet the experts and hear their insights while they shed light on what a proper exit plan should consist of. In these interviews, our panel of advisors also bust common myths and misconceptions, thus eliminating fears commonly associated with exiting a business today.